Each WhatsApp account is associated with
unique MAC(Media access control)
address . If any one changes his/her
device(MAC address also changes), they
are requested to re-verify their WhatsApp
account. Means you cannot access same
WhatsApp account from two devices. But
what if you got success in having same
MAC address for two devices? You can
certainly access same WhatsApp ID from
two devices that will help you to have a
close look on your friends WhatsApp
activity. Without wasting any time, lets
head over to “How to spy on someone
else WhatsApp account from your
Android” :
unique MAC(Media access control)
address . If any one changes his/her
device(MAC address also changes), they
are requested to re-verify their WhatsApp
account. Means you cannot access same
WhatsApp account from two devices. But
what if you got success in having same
MAC address for two devices? You can
certainly access same WhatsApp ID from
two devices that will help you to have a
close look on your friends WhatsApp
activity. Without wasting any time, lets
head over to “How to spy on someone
else WhatsApp account from your
Android” :
*Before you begin, you need :
●Rooted Android device so that BusyBox
can be installed. If you don’t have rooted
device, here’s how to install BusyBox on
Non-rooted Android.
can be installed. If you don’t have rooted
device, here’s how to install BusyBox on
Non-rooted Android.
For starters, busybox allows you to use
additional linux
commands. BusyBox provides several
stripped-down Unix tools in a
single executable file.
additional linux
commands. BusyBox provides several
stripped-down Unix tools in a
single executable file.
●Terminal app on your Android to write
additional Linux Commands.
additional Linux Commands.
●Access to Victims phone for couple of
*How to spy on someone else
WhatsApp :
WhatsApp :
●First, uninstall WhatsApp from your
●Now you need to have the victim
phone’s MAC address. Different OS have
different way of finding MAC address.
Here’s how to find victims MAC address :
For Android -
phone’s MAC address. Different OS have
different way of finding MAC address.
Here’s how to find victims MAC address :
For Android -
Head over to settings—> About phone—>
Status—> Wi-Fi MAC address.
Status—> Wi-Fi MAC address.
For iPhone -
Head over to Settings—> General—> About
—> Wi-Fi address.
Head over to Settings—> General—> About
—> Wi-Fi address.
For Windows Phone -
Head over to Settings—> About—> More
info—> MAC address.
Head over to Settings—> About—> More
info—> MAC address.
For BlackBerry -
Head over to options—> Device—> Device
and Status info—> WLAN MAC.
Head over to options—> Device—> Device
and Status info—> WLAN MAC.
Done with installing terminal app and
BusyBox on your Android? If yes, open
Terminal app from your Android and
follow the instructions for spoofing the
MAC address provided in the link . If you
followed the steps successfully, you will
certainly end up with a spoofed MAC
BusyBox on your Android? If yes, open
Terminal app from your Android and
follow the instructions for spoofing the
MAC address provided in the link . If you
followed the steps successfully, you will
certainly end up with a spoofed MAC
Now reinstall WhatsApp on your phone,
enter victims phone number and verify
your account by entering the verification
code received on victim’s phone.
enter victims phone number and verify
your account by entering the verification
code received on victim’s phone.
Now you can completely spy on victims
WhatsApp ID.
WhatsApp ID.